Missing GRT tokens

Oliver - I do not want to abuse your assistance, but I do not understand HOW to use GraphScan.io correctly. The attachment shows that I used the GRT Wallet address
“0xf55041e37e12cd407ad00ce2910b8269b01263b9” with GraphScan.io and still did not see my Staked GRT coins.

I did notice a difference with my Metamask account. I am very suspecious of the integrity of MetaMask, as my prior account address was compromised and a SWEEPER BOT Drained about 9 different coins ($3500) were stolen on 2022-09-03. I created a new Metamask wallet, the current one ETH account: 0x58290fd25773783A9C00726C20AC4f435b499355.

The difference as shown in the attachment, my Metamask account (shown above) has capitalyzed alpha characters, and the one connected to GraphScan has no capitalized alphabetic characters. Is this valid?

If so, What am I doing wrong using GraphScan.io? Is my GRT wallet address incorrect?

(Attachment 2023-03-01_ISSUE-STAKED GRT - GraphScan Error.pdf is missing)


Oliver - I do not want to abuse your assistance, but I do not understand HOW to use GraphScan.io correctly. The attachment shows that I used the GRT Wallet address
“0xf55041e37e12cd407ad00ce2910b8269b01263b9” with GraphScan.io and still did not see my Staked GRT coins.

I did notice a difference with my Metamask account. I am very suspecious of the integrity of MetaMask, as my prior account address was compromised and a SWEEPER BOT Drained about 9 different coins ($3500) were stolen on 2022-09-03. I created a new Metamask wallet, the current one ETH account: 0x58290fd25773783A9C00726C20AC4f435b499355.

The difference as shown in the attachment, my Metamask account (shown above) has capitalyzed alpha characters, and the one connected to GraphScan has no capitalized alphabetic characters. Is this valid?

If so, What am I doing wrong using GraphScan.io? Is my GRT wallet address incorrect?



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I am very sorry to hear about your hack on the MM wallet, that’s tough. The address ending in x63b9 is the GRT staking (delegation) contract that you are interacting with and which also shows up on Etherscan. It contains all 10,000+ wallets that are currently delegating in the Graph protocol. Therefore, you will not find any results on Graphscan when searching for the GRT staking contract address itself, as the search function uses that address as the source to return results back on Graphscan. You would need to enter your own wallet address and when you get a positive search result in the Delegator tab (as you do), then you’ll have assurance that you are in fact delegating in the Graph protocol.

The upper/lowercase difference does not come into play in this very process. Technically, MM is showing you the accurate address and sometimes you come across applications where it matters, but for this very situation you can disregard it. I would generally recommend as best practice using the accurate address that you can see on MM. On Graphscan all addresses are lowercased and that’s just how the site has chosen to do it.

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Oliver - I really appreciate your comments, they have been very Helpful. I finally understand How to locate my staked GRT coins. Admittedly, this has been a very frustrating experience due to my lack of understanding.


Good morning. I have a problem with payment from Binance to Ledgar Nano X. I attached picture.

And i do not receive. Txid : 0x00ee900bc1534bafc235d3aaa90c9fed7471addb1ec98aa97520172b72848654

Does not work. Someone may help me?

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HI Guys, Just delegate my GRT and I can not see my funds in delegation and also in my metamask wallet, Anyone can help me?
transatction ID below


Hey - looks like it shows your delegation on Graph explorer here - 0x58619bb86def149e92b145771474755eef8f8e3a | Graph Explorer | Profile Details

Hi All,

Not sure if I’m having a similar issue. Today my Grt disappeared. My account number is 0x57a5A0C2ca117c94AD4AF4B43E749417c29872d5 on arbitrum. And though I’ve shifted my tokens over from Ethereum to arbitrum over 90 days ago, it says my my account was created just minutes ago. What’s going on?

It seems the subgraph that powers that data was down, but had since been fixed. Can you check again to see? It should be fine now.

Hi, hope you can help.

More than 3 years ago I’ve delegated GRT (992.3 tokens) and I don’t seem to be able to find these anymore. When searching in graphscan I don’t seem to get a right match. Does anyone know what happened and how I can retrieve my GRT?

This is the transaction Hash: 0x42f5f644c0f94a910580a3326947db618432e1f82733e96e6e6ed16e5e7e5083

And the tokens were transferred to:

Hope you can help

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This is a scam, be careful!!

I see that the tokens for your address were undelegated less than hour ago. Hopefully this was by you and not the scammer above and that everything is sound.

unfortunately it was the scammer

where do you see this?

On graphscan, searching for your delegator account, you can see that your delegation to protofire was undelegated an hour ago

If you shared your account seed, or gave access to the scammer to your account in any other way, consider your account(s) to be compromised and take the necessary actions. (e.g. move remaining funds to a fresh account, remove all token approval, etc.)

Do you know how I can get in touch with one of the moderators? I’d like to flag this “Dave1”

You can put a bot in your wallet so he wont be able to withdraw your token contact @inflex

what is your email address we can put a bot in your wallet and he wont be able to withdraw the GRT when he undelegate

Beware of scammers, don’t share your mnemonics with unknown/untrusted parties.