StreamingFast July 2023 Update

Hey everyone!

Here is the StreamingFast update for the month. We are overall very excited with the progress made on the speed improvements of Substreams and the tooling around sinks!


  • Deployed new Substreams scheduler algorithm to testing endpoints. Our first tests show a promising 2.74x performance increase, and better use of resources.
  • Improved operator capabilities around metrics and authentication
  • Update to substreams-rs to make it easier to deal with delta(s)
  • Worked with Semiotic Labs team to improve the Postgres Sink (Composite Keys, Improvements, injection through COPY)
  • Update to substreams-sink-database-changes and substreams-sink-entity-changes to streamline creating the expect sink model

Next steps

  • We have hired a Devrel who will spend all of his time on Firehose and Substreams. He will start the week of July 17th!
  • We are working on bringing more chains, more Layer 1, improving documentation, and continuing our push for performances.
  • We have received great user feedback in the past month on the Substreams stack and we are looking to dramatically improve the onboarding experience. We’re exploring improvements to the different interfaces, higher-level abstractions for better programmability, better off-the-shelf use of Substreams packages, looking at the different possibilities for language support in module development.
    • If you have any feedback yourself regarding these issues, now is the time to pitch in. Join our Discord and stir up the conversation!