This Month in Graph Indexing - September 2021 Edition

Welcome to This Month in Graph Indexing where we look back at the last month and highlight the most interesting happenings in The Graph Indexer community.

:arrow_double_up: StreamingFast sped up the SushiSwap subgraph indexing time by 300x :arrow_double_up:


This subgraph’s data usually takes around 3+ weeks to be indexed up to chain head, but StreamingFast, using their innovative tools — Firehose & Sparkle — managed to reduce the sync time to around 2 hours. After 40 mins, they had human-readable flat files with all the data one would get from the GraphQL interface.

Learn more about StreamingFast by trying their tech here: and join the community:

Join the graphprotocol Discord Server!

:ox: Easy2Stake released an infrastructure deployment tool for indexers :ox:

Easy2Stake has released an infrastructure deployment tool using a mix of automation technologies such as Terraform, Kubernetes, and Helm Charts - the K8s abstraction & public cloud deployment as part of their grant.

You can check their tool overview here:

The Graph - K8s abstraction & public cloud deployment

And their repository here:

GitHub - easy2stake/thegraph

:mag_right: Graphscan was updated :mag:

The new release includes:

  • Historical APY;
  • UI improvements;
  • Bug fixes.

Find what Historical APY is and how it is calculated as well as other Rewards Calculator formulas here.

:sparkles: The Graph Network has been live for over 9 months :sparkles:

Since then, we welcomed 2x new Core Dev teams, 160+ Indexers, over 2K Curators & nearly 7K Delegators!

Read the full update to learn more about the decentralized network’s recent developments

:card_index_dividers: AnyBlock released their Indexer Allocation Optimization Tool as part of their Grant :card_index_dividers:

It’ll make it simpler for indexers to optimally distribute allocations & maximize indexing rewards. Follow this link to download & read more about the idea, features & architecture.

:man_astronaut:t2: Know Your Indexer :woman_astronaut:t2:

This month has featured 2 new indexers! Check them out here:

:studio_microphone: GRTiQ Podcast :studio_microphone:

This month we’ve been delighted with 4 new podcasts!

Check them out here:

:microphone: The Index Podcast :microphone:

This month has featured Justin J. Moses — Synthetix CTO

:rescue_worker_helmet: Core Dev Meeting #7 :rescue_worker_helmet:

Forum post and transcript —

Recorded video —

Next meeting happens on Tuesday, 8th of October — get the zoom link or subscribe to the Foundation Calendar by following this link.