The Graph's Community Talk #15

The Graph’s Community Talk #15 was held on Tuesday, September 20th @8AM PST.

The Graph’s Community Talk covers a wide range of subjects from all corners of our network and provides attendees with a comprehensive recap of the latest happenings within The Graph ecosystem. The meetings are held in The Graph Stage channel of the Discord Server.

Tip: go to the Events channel at the top of the Discord server and set yourself a reminder for The Graph’s Community Talk.

Community Talk #15 features the latest community updates, a spotlight on recent Advocate contributions, a review of the MIPs program, how the Ethereum Merge affects The Graph and information on an upcoming presentation by The Graph AdvocatesDAO.

Topics Include:

  • Community Updates
    • Events
    • Graph AdvocatesDAO Updates
    • GOC-0019
    • Community Resources on The Graph
  • Advocate Contributions Spotlight
    • Subgraph Doc Requests
    • Advocate Articles
  • MIPs Program Update
  • The Merge & The Graph
  • The Graph AdvocatesDAO Upcoming Meeting

Detailed notes regarding each topic with timestamps can be found below.

The Graph Community Talk is geared towards a broad audience regardless of background. We are looking for active participation from the community and are looking forward to your engagement!

You can find this and all other community events on the ecosystem calendar. Subscribe to the calendar to stay up to date on future events!

Community Updates (00:37)

Events with The Graph

EthMexico August 19-21st 2022 | Mexico City, Mexico Experience (Past Event)

  • Simon Emanuel Shmid presentation on Subgraph Development & Querying

Listen below to hear BrainFried’s experience at EthMexico!

Nearcon Sept 11-14th 2022 | Lisbon, Portugal (Past Event)

  • Simon Emanuel Shmid presentation on Subgraph Development & Querying

EthBogota October 7-9th | Bogota, Columbia (Upcoming Event)

  • Featuring The Graph booth with $5,000 subgraph bounty available.

DEVCON Bogota October 11-14th | Bogota Columbia (Upcoming Event)

Graph AdvocatesDAO Updates

There are many grant proposals submitted on the The Graph AdvocatesDAO forum. Please leave feedback for grant applicants!

GOC-0019 Language Support

The Graph AdvocatesDAO is looking for feedback on GOC-0019 on The Graph AdvocatesDAO forum. The GOC will implement the creation and support for language specific communities in The Graph AdvocatesDAO discord server. Please read through the GOC and leave feedback in the comments on the forum!

GRTiQ Recent Releases

GRTiQ Podcast: 79 Special Edition: Becoming an Indexer at The Graph
GRTiQ Podcast: 80 Ryan Selkis and Vincent Wen

This Month in Indexing

Read it here!
This month in indexing covers the latest updates in Indexing every month!

This Month in Curation

Read it here!
This month in curation covers the latest updates in Curation every month!

Apply to be a Graph Advocate!

Advocate Contributions (05:20)

Subgraph Doc Requests

There is a subgraph doc initiative being led by Derek Meyer of Data Nexus. In Community Talk #15 we hear from Advocate Paulieb.eth! He shares his first steps creating subgraph docs and his quest along with Meyer to provide and help projects with their own subgraph docs. Listen to Paulieb.eth’s journey below:

Projects can request help with subgraph docs here!

Advocate Article Contributions

Check out the articles below created by Advocates! These articles are an example of some of the high-level contributions Advocates are bringing to the table.

How to query on-chain data with The GraphChidubem
How to Query The Graph for on-chain data using PythonTony Kipemboi

MIPs Program (10:00)

The Graph’s Migration Infrastructure Providers program (MIPs) launched on September 20th 2022. The core objectives of the program are to test network infrastructure, expand the decentralized network to new chains and support the migration of subgraphs.

Indexers will participate in a gamified system of scoring and a leaderboard will be used to distribute awards at the end of each cycle. Points will be gained based on an Indexers subgraph coverage, quality of service and community support. Check out some of the stats below regarding MIPs program applicants:

  • 1,782 applications to the MIPs program
  • Only 15% of applicants are current Indexers (many new Indexers applied)
  • 55% of applications were individuals

Kyle Rojas | MIPs program & Gnosis Chain

Listen to Kyle Rojas give background on the progress of Ethereum migration and the reasons why Gnosis Chain is the first chain to be included in the MIPs program.

Gnosis Chain Stats:

  • 20M in daily query volume
  • Over 200 subgraphs /w some exceeding 1M queries per day
  • Multiple subgraphs already committed to migration

The Merge (22:10)

Ethereum has completed “The Merge” and transition to proof of stake (POS). Energy consumption has dropped by 99.95% which is an important milestone for Ethereum to garner wider adoption and acceptance.

How it Affects The Graph

Some updates were required by Indexer’s which were covered in IOH #76 and some subgraphs may need to be updated as dapps adapt to The Merge. Looking forward, The Graph is positioned in an exciting place with the eventual implementation of EIP-4444, which would rely on protocols like The Graph to store Ethereums history >30days.

To learn more about EIP-4444, lets revisit The Graph’s Core Devs Meeting #9.

The Graph AdvocatesDAO Public Meeting (29:50)

The Graph AdvocatesDAO has achieved a number of accomplishments and milestones over the past six months and is planning a public meeting in The Graph AdvocatesDAO Discord server in early October to share all of these updates!

Stay Tuned!

Join us next month for Community Talk #16!

Keep up to date by joining discussions in the forum, following The Graph on Twitter or joining the Discordserver.