Know Your Indexer #2 | Stake-Machine

In this opportunity, we introduce you on the stage of “Know Your Indexer!” the Stake-Machine team who have actively collaborated with informative material, tools and giving support to the community of astronauts who are starting their way to a decentralized ecosystem.

We invite you to participate in this open “Know Your Indexer!” segment. Ask as many questions as you like to find out who Stake-Machine is and why they decided to work in The Graph Network.

If you want to participate, follow the next steps:

1. Ask your questions in this post by leaving a comment
2. The second comment will be updated with the “Highlighted Questions” (below this introduction)
3. You can review the other comments and see the answers directly from the Indexer
4. Don’t forget to share this with your friends and colleagues to learn about the exciting ecosystem of The Graph ! :man_astronaut: :stars:


Visit their website to get useful tools
Address: 0x1692a8710dcf0dce24bd34c028479176b97ee9ef

Don’t forget to follow the Stake-Machine team on their Twitter (@StakeMachine). You can also follow up the conversation directly with them on their forum post.

List of indexers who have participated

Link to the highlited questions

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How many people are on your team and how long have you been working on grafana?


You mention utilizing GraphQL for your original idea of a blockchain explorer. Do you know who created it? I always thought The Graph protocol itself created it.

How did you become so well known in the Graph community?

  • What’s your technical background?

  • How many unique users does your dashboard serve per month?

  • What’s your over-arching thesis for Web3?

  • How did you hear about The Graph? What determined you to join the mission control testnet?
  • Do you have a demographic chart for your Dashboard visitors? I’m quite interested to see it.
  • Are you planning to continue iterating on your dashboard, perhaps adding new features, etc? If so, what would they be?
  • Wen open sourcing the dashboard sir?

Highlited Questions


Tell us a bit about you, when did you join the blockchain world and how did you start at the graph?

Once I left from hosting company and was looking for something new. One of my colleagues offered to participate in a hackathon that had blockchain involved, rewards were paid in ETH, and that how this journey has begun.


1- You mention utilizing GraphQL for your original idea of a blockchain explorer. Do you know who created it?

GraphQL was born at Facebook in 2012 and later open sourced in 2015. More details about GraphQL could be found at


2- What’s your technical background?

I have more than 15 years of experience in the hosting field, passed the path from a support engineer to the product owner, and launched lots of different hosting services from bare-metal with auto-provisioning to cloud computing.


3- What’s your over-arching thesis for Web3?

Web3 - decentralize all the things with the help of open interconnected data.


4- How did you hear about The Graph? What determined you to join the mission control testnet?

As I mentioned before, I had an interest in GraphQL in general and when was looking for available solutions for GraphQL Blockchain Explorers then I found out The Graph. All interesting for me technologies and also incentivized, how not to join?


5- Do you have a demographic chart for your Dashboard visitors?

Yes, the most traffic is from US and from me :smiley:


6- Are you planning to continue iterating on your dashboard, perhaps adding new features, etc? If so, what would they be?

The network is still bootstrapping, so dashboards will evolve with the network. We applied for a grant to make it open-source, so everybody can build their own versions of dashboards and have their own copy of historical data.

Ideas for features:

  • comparison charts
  • dynamics dashboard (weekly/monthly/yearly)

Also, there is a lot of refactoring that needs to be made because some decisions were made in a hurry.


Can you share your social links if you have any other than Twitter’s? @stakemachine

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Discord: @stakemachine
Telegram: @stakemachine

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